Jekyll Island

Jekyll Island

Sunday, April 24, 2011

My Favorite Moments

There are no major cities around Jekyll so at night you can see all of the stars at night. It is one of the most amazing sights to see. The sky glows with millions of small dancing twinkle lights. I spot the Milky Way and several other constellations. We stayed by the ocean for a long time just staring at the stars and listening to the soothing breaks of the small waves. The sea is almost as still as a lake. I walk down to the edge and let the waves wash over my bare feet. The water glides away and rushes back. The water is warm. I walk back to where Jason, Brandi and Omid are sitting. I gaze out at the horizon. Watching the shrimp boats on the horizon adds another layer to the magical mystery to the nights on the Island. I sit there and imagine what it is like way out there. There are so many of them that it looks like a city. My cousin always points at it and says that it is the I- 80 to Spain. I lie back on the cool sand and close my eyes. I feel the breeze blow through my hair as if it wants me to float away with it. Nothing in the world can beat these moments of total bliss. It is as if nothing in the world can ever harm me, like those moments are a gift from God. 

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