Jekyll Island

Jekyll Island

Monday, May 2, 2011

Reflection on my Action Text and the Entire Ethnography

For my action text, I created a Brochure to send into the public to inform them of Jekyll Island and how amazing it is. I decided that I would put up the brochure on a billboard in the Student Center and I emailed the head of Media and Public Relations for, Eric Garvey. He is also a member of the Jekyll Island authority. I sent it to him because he is involved with publicity so I figured if he wanted t use it, he could. I am very happy with how it turned out. I tried to make it as attractive and eye-catching as I could. I used my own photographs because I do not like using other people’s photos when I have my own that are just as good. I am an artist, so that is why I did something that I could use some of my creativity with instead of just text. I did not find this project very challenging, I thought it was fun because I got to design a brochure for my favorite place and add things that are a little different that a normal brochure. What I personally think is unique about my brochure is that it has a few events at the bottom to show the public what kind of activities they hold on the Island. I added some pictures of wildlife and of the awesome driftwood. I hardly ever see pictures of the pretty part of the driftwood; it’s always just the stumps. I also added a website that is easy to remember so people can look it up. It is the best website for tourism, that is why I chose it.
            I have learned to captivate an audience by creating strong paragraphs that lead the viewer in and entice them to read the rest of the brochure. I opened the information with “ Jekyll Island is a wonderful place for people of all ages to visit”. This sentence tells viewers that it is a family friendly place and that there is something for everyone on the Island. I included some great places for the family to visit and mentioned that the Island is a very quiet and relaxing place. I said this because the beaches in Florida are getting more developed and crowded, so people are looking for more laid back vacation areas. I added that there are historical areas to entice the older crowd. On the side paragraph, I added some personal views of the island to tell how pretty and unique the Island is. I also learned how to consider whom I am writing to. The audience is a very important part of our writing because they are the ones we are trying to persuade and get to listen to what we have to say. My target audience for this assignment was the public in general to inform them of a great vacation spot here in Georgia.
            I personally feel that I have improved my writing a lot through this class because I have learned how to write in different styles and how to really study a subject from several different angles. I learned how to conduct different types of research such as interviews and direct observations. I learned how to free write and write non-academic essays. I learned how to write a blog, it’s still not my thing though. I have really come a long way in the last year. I finally don’t dread writing papers because I know how to set them up and cite everything properly. I have really enjoyed this class and I have learned a lot about place. I will always think of my new discoveries when I explore new places and even old favorites. I have learned that there is more to a place then just the physical location and the geography. I think that every place has some kind of meaning to us whether they are good or bad, big or small. We have some kind of association that evokes feelings and memories. Place effects everyone because we are always in one.  

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